Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Single File Walk Away from Cheek-to-Cheek

Metro doors open
Leave my seat next to you
Walk through the crowd
Broken escalator

Slow walk down
Blisters form on my feet
Sweat down the crest of my breast
Metro doors closing

Car without air conditioning
Crush without consequences
My spit on your cheek
Your thoughts on my mind

Picture From Metro DC

1 comment:

JaM said...

i see it i see inside you i can't figure out that quiet expression that you have.
you are careful, or disintristed.

i can't catch the wave but i watch, and process.
i miss the calm touch of your hand on my thigh

there you are .Telling me hello i am glad you are here.

i say back with my eyes that i am glad too.
The oysters are dirty.Your mouth is soft.
You wipe the chocolate off the rim of my mouth.
I catch the bag as it slips from your hands.
Hey your wrist need to heal.
Girl shouldn't carry that bag if she is dressed in drag.

Your sister is precious entity.


Take in quiet moments...
let the cards fall where they may.